پنجشنبه، آبان ۲۴، ۱۳۸۶

نام جمشيد مراديان در فهرست ۱۰ مجسمه ساز برجسته دنيا

جمشيد مراديان به عنوان يكي از_10هنرمند برگزيده دهمين سمپوزيوم مجسمه سازي با چوب برينز سوييس پذيرفته شد

اين سمپوزيوم دوم تا هفتم ژوييه 2008 با موضوع حركت برگزار مي شود. مراديان در اين باره مي گويد:«از اين كه هيات انتخاب اين سمپوزيوم يك ايراني را شايسته حضور در ميان _10 مجسمه ساز برجسته دنيا برگزيده است، خوشحالم و اميدوارم با به اهتزاز درآوردن پرچم كشورم، نماينده شايسته اي براي ايران باشم.» اين هنرمند كه به زودي در سمپوزيومي در كشور آرژانتين شركت مي كند، تاكنون در چندين رويداد جهاني مجسمه سازي شركت داشته و موفق به كسب جايزه نخست از دوسالانه مجسمه سازي چين شده است. در نامه هيات ژوري سمپوزيوم برينز به مردايان از او درخواست شده است، مشخصات دقيق و ويژگي اثري را كه قصد دارد در اين سمپوزيوم بسازد، جهت ثبت در كتاب راهنماي اين برنامه ارسال كند. حضور در جشنواره كاميل كلوده (از 21 تا 31 ارديبهشت سال جاري) آخرين حضور بين المللي اين هنرمند بود كه به ساخت اثري به نام «رنگين كمان و باران»، برگرفته از جنگ ايوش و تيشتر دو خداي خشكسالي و باران در باور شرق، انجاميد. شركت در سمپوزيوم بين المللي كردو در منطقه ترنت از نواحي مرزي شمال شرق ايتاليا، از ديگر فعاليت هاي بين المللي مراديان است كه تابستان سال گذشته و با موضوع «چوب، زندگي دوباره» برگزار شد. مراديان با مجسمه اي ملهم از اژدهاي اسطوره اي مشرق زمين در اين برنامه شركت كرد

چهارشنبه، آبان ۱۶، ۱۳۸۶

International Woodcarving Symposium Brienz Regulations

1. Organiser
The Haslital Tourismus is responsible for organisation.

2. Participants
Woodcarvers from all over the world are invited to take part in the Symposium. Well-known woodcarvers with suitable talents may be invited to take part without going through the selection process.
In the following text the word woodcarver is used to describe both male and female woodcarvers.

Conditions of participation: The applicants must be woodcarvers.

3. Deadlines
Invitation/Selection of the Artists
30. September (previous year) Application deadline
All of the following are to be included in the application
- Application form (fully completed)
- Biography
- Description of the work, sketches, photo of a model, amount of wood to be used (dimensions of the planned piece)
- Sponsor information

Middle of October (previous year) Selection of participants by the organising committee and jury of experts

End of October (previous year) Notice of acceptance or rejection to applicants

Arrival, hotel check-in, welcome and information,
Dinner together 1 day before the Symposium
Number of working days 6 days
Official closing ceremony, Judging Last working day
Communal meal
Individual departure Day after Symposium

4. Competition Theme for the Symposium
The organising committee will decide the theme 18 months prior to the date of the Symposium. A sketch, model photo and short text (appr. ½ typed page) must be submitted to the organising committee by September 30th a year prior to the date of the Symposium. The enclosed application form is to be completely filled out and returned.

5. Criteria for selection
The applications will be selected according to the following four criteria:
§ Completeness of the application (see Point 3)
§ Idea, originality interpreting the given theme, overall impression of the application information
§ Practicality, feasability, technical complexity, amount of handwork on the whole object (the object should not be carved using a machine only).
§ Use and dealing with the supplied materials

6. Sculptures
Every woodcarver will receive a tree trunk (green) of max. 1.80m long and 50 cm diameter as a complete trunk or as a half (cut along the length of the trunk). The amount of wood to be used (dimensions of the planned piece) must given on the application. The object must make use at least 50% of the wood supplied. A second material may be used (transport and costs at woodcarver’s own expense).

7. Equipment
Participants will be supplied with the following:
§ Sun and rain protection (tent)
§ Electricity (220 Volt)
§ Electric chainsaw
All other tools must be supplied by the woodcarver. Use of motors is allowed at following times: daily from 09.00 till 12.00 and 14.00 till 18.00. Pneumatic chisels are not allowed.

8. Working hours
From 07.00 till 20.00. Changes may/can be made by the organising committee.

9. Organising Committee is responsible for
§ Room and Board will be organised by the Oranising Committee (OC), unless otherwisespecified by the participant
§ The OC welcomes the participant’s active search for sponsors for their Room and Board. For participants without sponsors, Room and Board will be available.
§ Assistance by an expert
§ Publicity for the participating woodcarvers
§ Expert jury
§ Certificate of Participation.
§ Social program

10. Carved pieces: Use and sale
The completed sculptures will be exhibited and for sale on the afternoon of the last working day until the end of September. The sculptures belong to the organiser. The sale price will be set by the woodcarver before or at latest during the Symposium. If the sculpture is sold during the Symposium or by the end of September, the woodcarver and organiser will each receive 50% of the amount paid.

11. Communication / Language
The organising committee communicates in German / French / English.

12. Insurance
The organising committee denies any third party responsibility. Participants are responsible for their own insurance.

Address: Internationales Holzbildhauer Symposium
Haslital Tourismus
Tourist Information Brienz-Axalp
Hauptstrasse 148
CH-3855 Brienz

Tel. +41 (0) 33 952 80 80
Fax +41 (0) 33 952 80 88


Flavius Jobin
Woodcarving Symposium President